Business Insurance

Commercial insurance protects you and your business from potential losses that may result from unforeseen circumstances. All types of unfortunate events can result in work interruptions. On-the-job injuries affect your valued workforce; fire damage can bring operations to a halt at your brick and mortar facilities. The bottom line is, when work stops, revenue is affected.

You can’t launch a business without risk, of course. As a small business, you probably don’t have the luxury of having a staff risk manager, but keeping risks and losses low is crucial to your operation. Choose adequate commercial insurance; it helps reduce risks and losses by offsetting the impact of the business disruptions you can’t plan for.

  • Offices, services, mercantile, retail and restaurants
  • Small Commercial, “Main Street” mixed mercantile/habitational
  • Over 75 classes
  • Larger accounts that do not fit into our BOP program
  • Large commercial, habitational risks, apartment buildings, mixed mercantile/ habitational
  • Landlords exceeding four tenants, restaurants, liquor liability (25 percent  of receipts)
  • Small artisan contractors, independent contractors (No general contractors)
  • Residential and/or light commercial work; 12 total classes

Property Coverage

  • Basic, Broad & Special Forms
  • Building
  • Business Personal Property
  • Tenants Improvements & Betterments
  • Business Income & Expense
  • Loss of Rents
  • Additional Property Extensions
  • Ordinance & Law
  • Equipment Breakdown
  • Data Breach Coverage
  • Inland Marine – scheduled high value equipment

Liability Coverage

  • Business General Liability
  • Owners, Landlords & Tenants
  • Bodily Injury & Property Damage
  • Products and Completed Operations
  • Fire Legal
  • Additional Insured Endorsements
  • Hired & Non-owned Auto
  • Contractor’s Liability

Commercial Risk Written

  • Retail
  • Wholesale
  • Service
  • Professional (specific classes)
  • Small Contractors (specific classes)

General Commercial Guidelines

  • New business ventures are eligible
  • Older buildings must have major systems updates within last 25 years
  • Mixed Mercantile & Apartments, Apartments, Strip Malls, LRO, Larger commercial or apartment buildings up to $10M - $12M building value per building. Accounts with larger property schedules are possible with sufficient time
  • Small Contractors (up to $500,000 sales/3 employees, NO General Contractors)
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