You Can Help Us, Help You. . .

All of us are busy and like to be able to get the next “task” at hand done as quickly as possible. None of us like to feel like things are taking longer than they need to get the information we need, or our situation resolved.

When contacting Statewide Underwriting Services (SWUS) providing basic information allows us to serve you better. Whether an Insured or an Agent we want to be sure that you are talking to the right person, the first time.

As an Insured, or calling on behalf of an insured, knowing your name and your specific reason for calling can get us both on the same page. Knowing your name can make the call more personable because to us you are more than just a number. The policy number and policyholder name is how we can best find your information and process your request, as quickly as possible. Having the paperwork you are questioning, on hand, can help us in getting your answers or directing you to the proper department for help more efficiently.

As an Agent, the same is true, knowing your name, agency name and your specific reason for calling can get us both on the same page. Your SWUS agent code number and basic policy information is crucial. This information gives us quicker access to all your agency information and directing you, if needed, to your assigned underwriter.

Bottom line one of our goals at SWUS is to provide informative and efficient customer service.

Authors & Contributors: Tamela Harris

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Tamela Harris Tamela Harris